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Feb 2016
In a room full of people, but I feel so alone
They don’t even notice me,
These so called ‘friends’.
What did I do wrong?

I’m living in this world alone.
Something building up in my chest,
It physically hurts me.
Emptiness. Loss. Loneliness.

Can’t you see I need you?
Need your love, your attention.
I’m so alone right now and I just need someone.
I feel like I’m living in this world alone.

I feel closer to people I’ve never met,
Compared to the ones I see daily.

Fighting back my tears,
I can’t let them see.
Maybe then they’d notice me,
But I don’t want it like that.

Can you even see me sitting next to you?
Why do you look right through me?

I can’t take much more of this,
Be my friend, hold me.

How much longer can I go on?
I’m not sure.
Maybe you won’t seen me tomorrow,
Or ever again.

But at least I don’t have to suffer anymore,
Maybe then I could be happy.
Hannah Martin
Written by
Hannah Martin
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