Especially in days of youth and vigor I rose, a tower struck of stone or oak When challenge grew, I found myself the bigger My enemies would tremble when I spoke
I trod the land afire and oceans parted None alive could sway me from my course I roared my song and mountain ranges started And bowed their heads to this unbidden force.
Swift and bold and heartless, cruel and clever I needed none to carry me to war But nothing young still blossoms young for ever And thus far shall ye travel, and no more.
Horizons yet expand beyond perception The Universe will e’er exceed my pace My greatness spawned from my own preconception Was always but a speck on Nature’s face.
I could not carve a dent on History’s pages But I could scrawl a message on this stone The brilliance of the scientists and sages Shows how flickering and faint the light I’ve shown. But when you Continue To coil ‘round My sinew I understand my strength is not my own Standing straight, I play the Tiger’s part And I will find my solace in your heart.
I know that I have nothing to regret here I cannot rue my selfishness and pomp It’s obvious, though, now, that those I’ve met here Have made me more than all my snort and stomp
My purpose once to trump my own existence Now to carry those who’ve shown me grace Who, through their kindness and their great persistence Have taught me brand new wonders in this place.
The earth is hard and sometimes unforgiving Terrors will beset us, every one The warmth of life is only for the living And live we must until the day is done.
Time wears down the sturdiest of towers And dying now (but dying in my boots) Hate not the relentlessness of hours That shake the sturdy oak unto its roots.
Immune to howls of ‘but’ and ‘oh if only’s Hardening, inordinately brave But how these days have grinded up my bonesies My hands reach feebly as if from the grave But often I’ll soften And breathe through The coffin I’ll live on nought but everything I gave And ever shall I own the Tiger’s part; And you will find my wreckage in your heart.
The castles I have stormed and forts I’ve taken Which fly my flag for now and all their days Hail me, but in title are mistaken To say mine is to hallow yours in praise.
Each of us has private ghosts to grapple Secret depths that everybody delves But in the quiet of our private chapel We are made of sterner stuff than just our selves.
A thousand men I’ve known and loved have made me Your stone is that which sharpened up my spear On a bed of soft green grass I’ve laid me That you’ve watered and you’ve weeded for me here.
Together we construct our sacred stories Hand in hand we shore up each new song We revel now together in our glories And a thousand men I can now help make strong.
Each of us, a thousand rush to battle, Defeated still at times, and yet we try; And cower not at that unholy rattle As lightning tears its strip across the sky. But under The thunder We still weep And wonder At the storms that we can weather, you and I, And together play the Tiger’s part, And I will find my refuge in your heart.