In a world of brag berrys and eye phones The desired no longer is the required And the smiles are synonymous with the flash and camera. With a startling contraction of hiding less and wanting more And lopsided talk that grows airtight, less each week As the enemy we hunt lie in our beds, we seem more estranged from our sons Welcome to the iron and concrete maze we call life, with our only reward a starting line And defiance, a strength I must find Least I become deficient among my kind
I rise to the surface like a corpse And my stench filling the morning air ******* the ear but deep to the soul With one message on my morbid lips Come die with me! To all your landlocked dreams To all your chains shackles and beams And enjoy the privileges of a dead man Who has no life to live other than his. Because in losing I can find And in ending I can begin again