I am not obligated to approve of everything someone else does I am not obligated to always be nice, especially when I am not treated nicely I am not obligated to be agree with people constantly I am not obligated to laugh at someone's jokes I am not obligated to look at someone I am not obligated to act kind at the price of acting with love I am not obligated to apologize for my feelings when someone else upsets me I am not obligated to blame myself when I am acting according to my conscience I am not obligated to always be the one who apologizes I am not obligated to remain in a toxic relationship I should be loving I should look people in the eyes I should not be petty I should stand up for what is right I should express truth and justice at every opportunity I should respect myself enough to let go of people that put no effort into our relationship I should respect other people enough to still be friendly even after letting them go I should respect my own feelings enough to be vocal about them I should respect other people's feelings enough to be vocal to them I should be discern unhealthy and negative things for myself and make the choice to change them I should acknowledge that I can be wrong and I am often wrong I should also acknowledge that I am not always wrong.
basic human decency. I just thought I would make a list of things that are acceptable according to my conscience in relationships. A lot of my friends and myself are going through toxic relationships and it's been very difficult for everyone. This list is not all-inclusive nor is it self-contradictory.