So much of the identity he had constructed to represent himself today, was a product of the attachment to an idea of who they were together Like a cartoonist he painted a separate reality with broad romantic stokes One where she existed for him While he did not admit this to himself, it was true Because when she was her own woman He no longer possessed her
Did he truly love her? Or did he love the image and feeling of being attached to her? Could he simply appreciate the time they shared? Or would he spend every present moment worrying and ensuring that she would stay with him through the future?
Although he was with her for years He was rarely ever truly WITH her He was only with the image he projected onto her The image of girlfriend The image of wife
And he was never truly himself He was the image of boyfriend The image of husband
So when these illusions fell away And she went on to live a life free of his expectations His world fell apart He lost his role He lost his identity He lost his life
A cautionary tail that is all to commonly true for those who get caught up in their life roles. Don't get attached to your ideas and expectations of what something should be. Just live and let live and appreciate what you have.