there is a glacier partially concealed melting from a climactic climate shift revealing a reality congealed by revolt
rebels burdened with a philosophy that elevates humanity insisting we will not grovel before a vain messiah espousing erroneous iterations of ideology
will the human race permit the iceberg to dissolve as vapid reformist rhetoric inundates our political consciousness with pragmatic progressivism
or will we rise in resistance with the radicals fists clenched in protest and hands outstretched to one another rather than lifted high in praise to a savior as we witness the glacier solidify once more
as CO2 perforates our atmosphere with heady highs and noxious toxins will we succumb like dumbfounded addicts intoxicated by inoculation consuming the opiated semantics of charismatic personas or will we
challenge the corrupt with our wits about us facing the sobering corporate corporeality with the pride of lions facing a den of thieves
abandon the chosen champion of the vanguard party we stand hand-in-hand 7 billion sisters and brothers in an anthemic chorus of
solidarity that shakes the bastions of the enthroned with the resounding shouts of perseverance in our non-compliant defiance
our manifestos are written in the blood sweat and tears we've shed for this dream deferred and we will not be the silent majority anymore
the masque of anarchy is ours to share will we wear its visage or will hell freeze over before we choose freedom over happiness
"The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better." - George Orwell