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Jan 2016
Instead of wishing myself a
Happy birthday
I wished i didn't have a birthday
I sat there near the door
One ear lying in intimate touch
With the cold steel door
Fantasizing of a knock
At times i would mistake my
Pounding heart for it
Open the door in haste and welcome
Mosquitoes and wind instead of friends

Every passing second i would steal a glance
At the chiming clock
And wait for midnight the only thing i could look forward to
It was the worst day
The loneliest thursday
No friends,no cake,no candle
Not even a girlfriend
Still i waited for fate to take toll

The parrafin lamp glowed  weakly
Swaying erotically
Celebrating the fact that i would be
Older than i was
Mosquitoes danced around my ear
Reminding me they had a present (malaria) for my birthday
At last the clock struck midnight
The wind blew off the lamp wick
All  was dark
I groped in the darkness as i came to into terms with reality
It was another birthday with no present,visitors nor celebration
The howling wind and buzzing mosquitoes
Feasted on my body wishing my birthday was everyday
Yesterday was already history
And today this my story
kelvin mungai
Written by
kelvin mungai  nairobi,kenya
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