The moment you enter this world you are singing Singing loud to allow air into your lungs Singing loud to announce yes “I am here”,
Growing up you sing your mother’s name Your father’s name Your aunts’ uncles’ brothers’ sisters’ cousins’ grandparents’ names You sing in babbled tones, soprano octaves with bubbles on your tongue Because the world tastes sweet and you want to let it melt in your mouths
Growing up, you learn to sing questions Crescendo’s of why’s hanging over your head until an answer is sung back But sometimes you find out there’s no one on the other side of this duet and yes, your song will fall flat But don’t let that stop you from singing until someone in the world recognizes the melody and sings alongside you
Growing up you learn to sing thank you’s, I’m sorry’s, I love you’s You know that sometimes they will taste sour, they will burn the back of your throat and make it hard to swallow for a while but you need them Because when they aren’t leaving holes in your vocal chords they are silk Warm and welcoming, gliding from your lips to your tongue in one swift motion Slipping down your throat Filling you like a balloon about to burst But making you feel like you have enough air that you could float forever
Growing up you learn that your favorite song to sing, is your own Even on the days when it’s off pitch, too loud, too quiet, it’s yours You become familiar with the bends of the music, the curves in the tune It doesn’t matter if it’s classic or experimental, if other people like it or hate it It’s the only constant out of all this music So you learn to love it, You sing because you want to be heard Because it’s the only way to keep living