The fridge is breathing like a dying man. A rattling death. Blue light flashing overhead. Just a smoke detector. It's own job to do. Makes me aware. I'm safe when I am there. Not alien invaders, as first believed. Deceived, Dreamy. Pretty awake. However tired. Half asleep, not far from dead. Sleep is evasive. Lack of choice. One hour donated. Not loving the night. So overrated.
Lost a day today. Somehow mislaid it on the way. Slept from nine until half past three-ish How I wish I never had to. Work in night nurse zoo. Night shift. Such joy. Joy to be me. The sorrow's flowing over from eyes so itchy full of grit. Another one all too shortly. Love my job. Night's however; Part of life as a nurse, The nurse's curse. (c)LIVVI