Dear * You know I love you right? That I would do anything for you.. Except I guess... That's not quite true. I couldn't keep living for you. I tried! I really did. I just can't. The best way for me to describe it, Is tired. I feel TIRED. I feel SICK. And not the sick a doctor can cure. I am SICK of MYSELF. I am sick of looking at myself, And seeing right through my mask. I tried... I tried! I went to the counselor It didn't help... She didn't understand It wasn't just a ROUGH DAY. It's EVERY DAY. It's when I wake up... And CRY because I DID. It's when I cut my wrist... But missed. It's when I feel like I'm being DRAGGED DOWN. and I can't GET UP. I'm so sorry, I tried... I TRIED?!? I love you... But I HATE living. But your strong right? Here's somthing your better than me at, Living.
. Love
I poem I wrote to my one true friend who has stuck with me through it all. She keeps telling me to hold on...and I am. I'm not going to let this be me and my end. I'm going to TRY a little HARDER.