We will part We will move on She's off to college He's off to the Army And here left behind I stand
We shared many laughs We shared many tears She held me as I wept He fought for me when I bled But alone now I stand
We were the bestest of friends We loved each other greatly She never betrayed me He never left me But now I stand alone holding broken promises
She's a mother and a wife She works for her family Fights for her life Doesn't remember the broken friend she once said she loved
He's proud and a loyal soldier He works hard for his country, works hard for his people Fights to defend the nation be calls his home Doesn't remember the lost soul he vowed to protect
I stand tall and angry with the promises I'm burdened with I promised to never give in, promised to never give up I fought for the “family” who I thought loved me; Don't remember those unfaithful lies Don't remember the day I chose to die