In this world filled with hatred and lust It is difficult to hold on to your principles and do what is just If war doesn't **** you Then intolerance must
We live in a world where everything we do is judged Where the colours of peace are smudged Where the poor continue to live in their misery While the rich continue to be engaged in their revelry
We live in a world where governments are hell-bent on showing their might Even it means curbing a citizen's right The constitution today has become a joke Dear policy makers...light it up.. ...let everyone see the smoke
We live in a world where falsity and corruption walk hand in hand Where the truth is stifled And most are afraid to speak out and take a stand
We live in a world where the youth is consuming drugs Where poverty and unemployment compels them to become thugs Where each and every moment there is the threat of violence lurking Where kids are forced to spend their childhood working
Everyone i meet keeps asking me.. ...where is the love? ...where has it disappeared? And just like the others.. ...i simply don't have an answer Love and peace it seems have become rare commodities now We mostly find it in books and movies I find it most in poetry For unlike the world...poetry doesn't discriminate Poetry is fair It gives everyone a chance to shine It knows no barrier It knows no borders It knows no boundaries It knows no limitations It aims to please It aims to entertain It aims to arouse It aims to awaken It aims to inspire Poetry is what makes life so much more beautiful