There's nothing more beautiful More soothing Than the summer rain It washes winter's sorrows away And calms the scorching sun
Heavenly tears of joy descending upon the earth It reminds us of times of old Sweet memories when children played in the rain Singing pure songs of innocence Dancing in the rain without a care Life was wonderful and easy
Behold the light thunderstorms The sounds of heaven speaking to men Confirming harvests and goodness upon the land Even the beasts of the wild rejoice Perfect raindrops that quench the soil The crops celebrate and drink
Summer rain that comes in the evening All the sweeter when it comes in the morning Children dream sweet dreams Old men sleep in peace Calm and harmony in the land
The heavenly drewl from the gods Always in due season The best kind of blessing People lay awake under it's embrace Full of thanksgiving and optimism about the day
Everyone loves the blessed rain It gives the writer inspiration Brings motivation to the farmer A sign to the religious man Hope for the nation