but you heard the maxim, that the bigger dogs bark less than the younger, if not smaller dogs ought to.*
i too barked into the night, and my last onomatopoeia gave the bark prior to the last one of mongrel descent the earnest, i among dogs. i too the dozen. oh nymph clairvoyant make much of the wilting willow i dread to take tread in; curses absolve me likening skeleton to muscle, but how i barked to meet the moon in a dog's dimension to keep oxford's approve with hyphen the obelisk compound of hyphen use to please compounding made that psyche (of known soul) be the rattle of soul (of know thought) that made synthesis an acorn.... and lost the last veer a geometry worth keeping.... kept the arab his dwarf sought... we would have searched the nought of former sight, sought in dream as a former guarantee that harked! bark! bark! howl ow woo! snorkel of gagging a canine chasm!