my love, you have nothing to fear save the fear you harbor... and the beast behind you with your name scratched on it's tongue like a thumb in a ****.
you have me at my very worst of late as well as my conjuring of a better man than I. the sorceries of introspection and my lucid inner light.
your pigeon holes are raven squares storming a brilliant darkness that has but one pair of lost souls. and nothing else to spare.
you fit where the war has a peace as our worlds collapse in sunshine and the narrow luxury to mourn the death of such a wish from such a heart... with it's own mind.
yes we roost in the empty caverns of our needless fight and humble none the shadows there that troglodyte.
i love you more than all of this and pray the same you might.
i wish upon a star that fell and found it in your eyes.
and yes I know I know, I know.... I know it fell from mine.