I need to find happiness in life And for me, that's hard to find I look near and far, but to no avail I find hope as soon as I give up Does that mean I should give up? Maybe, maybe not, I do not know But what I do know, is I'm not happy I need to find happiness really soon And there is only one way to do it I need to find myself a girlfriend Someone I can depend on always Someone that I can make laugh She makes me feel confident Someone that can fix me up But I know I must keep searching Because I won't be happy if I give up I need to remain persistent and believe Believe I can find this special girl That will make me believe in myself But in all honesty, what am I? I need to find what I am truly about I do not know what my future holds I don't even know what tomorrow holds I just go with the flow, knowing nothing I am in my senior year of high school I still have no idea what I'm doing in life I need to discover what my future is But I need to focus on the present I know that I need to be happy But to do that, I need a girlfriend After that, I need to discover myself And to do that, I need to know my future I want to know everything in this world But these are a few ideas I need to know