Really Rick (r, top hat, woody, james)...? I just love how you blocked me but you keep coming to comment on my poems... The thing about it is you *think I can't see the comment that you write, but you thought wrong. Hint hint: I can login out & see the comments and I get emailed anytime someone comments on my poems .............. R said, '' Woof, don't send your teenage minions to fight your battles if they can't handle a blunt response to their contact with me. It is kind of weird that a 65 year old delusional man has a 16 year old girl doing his ***** work'' ..... First off wolf aint my daddy, but if you would like to meet my daddy then I would be more than happy to introduce y'all. ;D I'm not doing wolfs ***** work. I suggested something to you regarding wolf... You came back and attacked me. I guess you thought I was playing when I said ''come at me again & we gonna have some problems''
Ranger Rick you live where... in North Carolina right?* ......
Sorry again guys. #mood .... I might be 16 & nice but i'm not weak and I don't break promises.... I'm keep calling you out