How do people know what they're smelling is real if a scent is just a thing in your nose you cannot feel How do people believe in ghosts they cannot see They're gone but they still miss the one who died at sea How can people trust to fly with a pilot their eyes have never met and dismiss September 11th like it was never an actual threat How can people favor a place their eyes have never been Like high in the mountains where the air may be thin How can people judge someone their eyes don't even know and call them fat when the last time they ate was two weeks ago How do people picture things their eyes don't recognize Like how a human looks when one dies How can people go on blind or mystery dates or develop intimate relationships at rapid rates How can people say another is their lover if they've only seen them on a magazine cover How can people never see, yet still know they have a neighbor and not believe Jesus Christ is our savior How can people believe in things of imagination and not believe in the one responsible for our creation For those who do believe and trust in our God I greatly applaud For those who want to know more about heaven just open up to him and have your own salvation session