That is the most important question that can arise in anybody’s mind, but there is no answer for it. The most important question, the ultimate question, cannot have any precise answer, a very broad category of definition can arise in your mind like... A Universal Truth is like China situated above India. can be verified and the answer will be the same. A confusion started when man invented Games. A new concept of Game Truth a rule everyone has to follow within. It's a Game Truth. e.g. Basket ball player allowed to hold ball in his hand and the same was not applicable to Football. etc.. A Situation Truth - assume a child asking for your help to escape from the murderer. will you reveal the murderer, where she was hiding? Here, Even a lie become a truth. Right.
Every walk of modern life the truth is interpreted based on our conditioning/to benefit our situation. A lie said to your girlfriend that she was beautiful wasn't a lie? coz beauty like truth has an ultimate question...