It was by accident I found it, in a box of odds and ends; A short eight millimeter film my father made back when. It’s Grandpa’s house up on the lake. I’d been just three or four. The flickering images speak to me as from a distant shore. The people who I knew and loved, who long since have passed on, were shown as I remembered them from a time long since gone. It is, of course, a silent reel and the colors fade a bit but memories fill in the gaps as I remember it. It was a perfect summer’s day, out fishing on the lake. I imagine sunshine on my face as I view that scenic take. My grandpa was a kindly man and, with infinite care, He taught this headstrong little one about how we should share. I’ve had my fill of tragedy, life isn’t always kind,. but I know this made me smile, this serendipitous find. Soon I must get back to work, resolving Mom’ estate. But I’ve found a piece of Heaven here; all else will have to wait
A friend finds and views an 8 millimeter home movie while cleaning out the attic of her deceased mother's house