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Jan 2016
Here you go
                   Have some feelings
                  Yep a big ******* helping
Right there                  
All of them just for you
the whole mess of it, yours!
       Oh but don't show them!
         Not to anybody
Not for any reason
            Or else they will shame you
Because your feelings
They are disgusting
No one cares what feelings you have
Which ones were dumped on your tray
Thats your mess
               for you to deal with
S I L E N T L Y      
  and ALONE
          You don't want everyone
to hate you
Do you?
Because they will if you can't
        keep those feelings to yourself!
               Every thought you have
is always wrong
don't speak of them
And if feelings aren't allowed
don't get started even having
an opinion
Heavens no!
             What an awful thing to have!
          How revolting!
No no!
Keep all those thoughts
those icky little feelings
           and your stupid opinions
locked away deep          
                               ­               deep
                                             ­                               deep
                         ­                                  down
Of your miserable little soul
               where there is no light
No warmth
                nothing to tempt them to live
because you don't need to be alive
not inside        
Don't you see?
Nobody wants that for you
      and you always, always
must do, must be      
                     what everyone else wants.
Those are just The Rules.
Jayme M Yaroch
Written by
Jayme M Yaroch  Burlington, VT
(Burlington, VT)   
     m i a
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