your father was a gambler and the story of his life clung to the seat of his pants and the holes on his knees your next meal was always just a deal away on some nights his hand was rock steady his steely gaze was cold and firm and not even the unattired thighs of a jezebel could distract him after he had sniffed the money so you flourished in a home that was a blooming oxymoron with a hard-faced survivor of many knife duels for a father and a mother with a lovely face and a mardi gras queen smile my fickle heart was rather coy and my tongue was quiet and still when i should have sung your praises and extolled your awesome virtues and your resplendent face in the dusk faint heart trembles at the altar of her grace but brave buck walks to his fate with zeal so i kneel and i meditate your serenity wrought by art alive in your hungry heart