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Dec 2015
Mr. and Mrs. Politician man
Keep on promising me
Everything I could ever want
From basic cheap to free

There must be something there
That I'm missing here
Between the insurance debacle
And my cost of living fears

When elections come around
I've really got to hand it
To the promises they make
That get more and more outlandish

They promise you cheese from the moon
And silver dust from the stars
When all I mostly need right now
Is cheap gas for my car

With vanilla being the flavor
Politicians savour as of late
They give just enough of the free stuff
But not too much away

Keeping the drones wanting for more
Where they don't feel the need to leave
Eating out of their grimy hands
Feeding off the greed

You can find them wheeling and dealing
In secret behind closed doors
In their arrogance they've forgotten
That we the people are keeping score

We'll either oust them when the time is right
Or raise the gallows and hang them high
A good lesson in the making
Perhaps they'll think twice next time before misbehaving
Mike Hauser
Written by
Mike Hauser  Sunny Florida
(Sunny Florida)   
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