A poem was always supposed to heal, or to help; at least in a way or another. But this time is different, not even Rumi can do the work. My mind is in a blank state-it has shut down. With a trembling body and shaking wrists Stealing glances and guilty kisses Amongst each panic attack I drive through I sense your sighs and get charged Then see your phone screen and drop down My nerves are threads ablaze She has bigger eyes, her body is steady and so are her wrists But she does not admire that surgical scar of yours I seek refuge in it and that's the problem, I guess She claims ownership, it is her right after all She is priority You write her name on every bill board And I hold the ladder for you You are writing my death note, you know But these matters are small For your phone screen will still glow With messages that will make you grin She demands ownership, it is her right after all As I fight Gods to get those grains of sand you once stepped on But she is priority, she is royalty. This is not a poem, it is a tribute To the time when I breathed you in and you breathed me out We could have breathed forever But my cells are attacking one another And my mind is in a blank state I have already mentioned that But you see, I can not hold that ladder anymore And I am in no state at all Not one of priority - obviously.