If I'm swallowed by the sea and my heart ceases to beat, I'd have you know a thing or two about me. Tell my mother and my brothers that they colored up my life, and be sure that my poor father knows the same. Be sure my father knows the way I tried for him most every day, and when my mother starts to cry won't you won't you comfort her?
Tell the boy I love all the times I almost told him And hold my best friend's hand when they pull me from the ocean. Read the notebooks in my room Laugh at what I thought of you Give the gods and all the angels my regard. Smile when you see a bird wheeling in the rain, and think of me when you think that spring won't ever come again. My father's only daughter who is so scared of the water will dance with you when you're asleep and dreaming. I'll see you when you wash your face to rid yourself of my ingrace And I'll hold you when you bend, begin to scream.