What's the point of having a body...if there's no one special to touch it?
What's the point of having a heart...if no one special rules over it?
What's the point of having a soul if it doesn't feel strongly for someone special?
What's the point of having a mind if it doesn't think about that someone special?
A life without love is as good as being dead I hope someday i will be fortunate enough to experience it 'Coz truth be told... ....i've been dead for many years now And it's not at all pleasant The loneliness The emptiness At times just devours me And i feel so very helpless I've not given up though I'm always hopeful
May be like they say-'the good things in life take a little longer to find.'
Perhaps someday i will meet someone who will make me forget the pain and help me realize that life is indeed beautiful.