what’s the good institution when evil is institutionalized what’s the good teacher when the student is criminalized
instill in us some morals, sure but what are morals in a “more or less” world?
bite the hand that feeds it’s only poison you’re eating bite the hand that feeds these aren’t the toxins you need
cats out of their bags lions in their cages eat it raw eat it raw eat it red and soaked in blood
bite the hand that feeds it’s only poison you’re eating bite the hand that feeds these aren’t the toxins you need
bite the hand that feeds bite the hand that feeds eat it raw eat it raw eat it red bite the hand that feeds it’s poison it’s poison it’s toxic waste toxic time toxic valentines with pretty lies
bite the hand that feeds it’s only poison you’re eating bite the hand that feeds these aren’t the toxins you need
these aren’t the toxins you need not the toxins not the toxins not the toxins you need