Lucid moments give no relief To the age ravaged carapace lying there Suspended in a time warp conundrum As fragile as last nights dreams become Once the eyes open --triggering delete But not for this carapace For last nights dreams don't retreat Vivid is the absolute epitome Of dreamloop interlocking reality Dead reckoning eyes beckoning For a listener of the silent air To look past the myopic rheuminations And see the plea desperately flashing While the lucid light is lit Flickering like a candle in the wind True ........but it's there to be seen As the morning nurse rehearses The stale and staid routine Of caring for -without caring about The warehouse stock beyond the count The silent ones or the ones that shout All add up to their final amount To that Someone is alway paying attention Its a hell of a world were all so busy building
"Help me ..please help me...please ... ....Its not a dream" The eyes scream As the tears begin to stream "Look you stupid ***** Can you not recognize Do you not realize I'm still in here I still exist I can't resist ... I CANNOT RESIST." The neon eyes stop flickering As they watch the potential savior Continue the daily routine Out the door and onto more Beseaching eyes in the next room The next ward Taking stock Assessing the value of The mechanism---as a whole No thought to the poor soul Suffering beyond the loss of body control And in lucidΒ Β horror the terror Suddenly Appears in the doorway White garbed attendant -cigarette smell in tow Leaning in to show a sickly grin Whispering to the carapace "I'm going home need to cry I'll be around to see you tonight." Then looking straight into her eyes "You can't tell nobody And I know you really like it Don't you.? Yeah you do! "
I wrote this recently and still it creeps me out even though I've read it a half dozen times.