A majestic beast that runs on four legs A wolf will stand tall when a good leader comes along. A wolf is humble But oh so very proud The wolf will not stand to be kicked when he is down
A poet is a person who stands on two legs With two arms to pick up things We are just sheep without a second thought when a wolf comes running up and picks us off. What happens to that sheep no one knows
A pack is a great place to be Yet only when the wolves all get along Some packs don't accept a lone wolf Others are packs mostly made from rogues, yet Everybody looks down on wolves But they never tell them no
A tiger and lion have performed in a circus But have you ever seen a wolf in the circus? No you probably haven't For they are too prideful for that
Poets are like a pack of wolves on a hunt The hunt that takes them through the jungle of words They try to catch the catch of the day "A poem" That's the catch. When they get back a lone wolf is standing with a limp tail They surround the wolf with love and admiration. The wolf grows to be strong and proud and surrounds itself with a pack
I was once the lone wolf with a limp tail You guys were the pack that were so strong and prideful I stood in the middle my legs all shaking You guys shrouded me with love and turned me into a majestic beast With skills still untouched. My life was fixed.