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Dec 2015
My body aches
My mind is tired
I wonder if this amount of work
Will let me
Reap what I sow?

I put my time in but now I expect it back
I've given you my time
Quality time
But what have you given me?
Just enough to get by
And survive?

Life isn't fair
But I expect respect
I only have so much patience
And you are trying it
Really, you are

If you disrespect me one more time
I'm gonna hit you so hard
Your own mother won't recognize you

I will put you in your place

I will talk down to you like the little man you are

Not that I expect you to learn anything
Or change your selfish ways
But it will make me feel better

If Karma's a *****
Then she's on my side this time
You've got it coming
It will be from the blindside
Nathan Pival
Written by
Nathan Pival  Mansfield, Ohio
(Mansfield, Ohio)   
     Ramsha Navaid, NV, K Balachandran, ryn, SPT and 1 other
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