an intrepid inheritance predicated on delusion processing profuse refuse an iconoclastic self-absorption suffusing each and every molecule we’re confusing consumption with an inane ideology
as we choke the atmosphere with CO2 and pump toxins into our food will we pause as the doomsday clock tick-tocks closer to midnight and the terror alert goes code red to consider that we are at once this planet’s cancer and its cure
if Jesus is truly the reason for the season do you suppose he’d impose on those who do not share your faith
for the love of Christ let’s depose the overlords the Nazarene opposed hell that’s something even i could get behind
Mary did you know that your baby boy was an anarchist who practiced non-violence and met death on a cross as a terrorist rebelling against the unjust
to those who deign to name themselves Christians in homage to the divine why profane the memory of a socialistic hippie who bred an insurrection and bled for the cessation of human conflict the negation of self-serving intentions disguised in capitalism
in the spirit of Christmas defy the death drive propelling us towards mass extinction abandon corporate bookstores protest in front of city hall the kingdom of god is within you so go home kiss the ones you love for
“if we are not the word of god then god never spoke” it’s up to us to recognize that we ourselves are progenitors of the divine