Dancing silhouettes,
Awaking the dead,
As they pass the forbidden,
They enter a ghastly looking place,
Trees envelope the darkness in there blanket,
Walking deeper and deeper into the jungle,
Slowly the clouds start to disappear,
Voices of predators hunting their prey,
Cold blood everywhere,
Eluding the lonely jungle,
Dwelling into the souls,
Within the forests territory,
A dark looking monster lives,
Afar the trees,
In a tiny cottage,
Where only a chimney expels such hate,
Submerged within the gas particles are the ashes and smoke of the innocent,
Who kills only for pleasure,
Not caring about the rest,
A bright light will one day show,
A man in shining armor,
And kids with audacious hearts will fight against this evil ****,
Stab him in the chest,
And take away his life a thousand times,
The way he took theirs,
To teach him a lesson,
Slit his exposed body,
And slowly and painfully finish him off.
Basically talking about the main guy who attacked on 16th December.