Open up a box of tricks and what will you discover a dice with a double six? or a new friend or lover? Love comes in many forms sometimes it waits and it will wait. Sometimes it seems like it's forever but surely that is never too late? Waiting is the best part never knowing when love knocks at the door never knowing when the phone will ring Waiting is the best part not such a bore. Patience is a virtue my friend, so it says Then love comes from out of the blue Seeking love in return from a perfect stranger All your feelings from the sleeve are now on view. The heart on the sleeve beats in tune The whistle in your stomach plays to the beat the knees are knocking in time that is good and you dont know what is going on with the feet Hands are shaking, they comb the hair You find yourself flirting, doves are flying above You cant think straight, something has gone wrong No nothing is amiss, that is the sound of love.