Arise Great Britain, swell wi pride this is no time tae split, divide, a hero needs us on his side a man apart Brave Osbourne comes wi manly stride and lion heart
When danger ca’s, he stauns and fights He’ll haud the baddies bang tae rights Nou in their een he sees the whites and yells, “Attack!” He’s got oor mojo in his sights – He wants it back!
Let’s cheer his valour tae the roof Condemn the wans wha’d cry him couff And pray oor Geordie’s bulletproof As on he flies Then fit him wi a parachute and wave guidbye.
This GM perfect Tory clone need not rely on un-manned drone He’ll tackle ISIS on his own their fight dissolve His pores squirt pure testosterone his eyes, resolve
Just watch the baddies turn and flee as George, wi patriotic glee wreaks vengeance for democracy a one-man dojo And cries, “Come, Britain, flock to me, and feel my mojo!”
Or mibbes we should check this twice. Although the image may be nice The blood we risk on his advice may never stop - But Geordie will not sacrifice one ****** drop
These profiteering pinstripe ****** wha ken no life but politics Are no the first tae play these tricks while deals are made Why no just wave a crucifix and shout “Crusade!”
So hooses burn and horror grows A stream o misery outflows While braggard Geordie struts and crows, "Ye want a fight?" I’d dump him on Damascus road tae see the light
Ye plot the death o innocents Tae score yir points in parliament Yir fascist mocking o dissent it suits ye well George Osbourne, ye're a proper gent **** ye tae hell.