i cant talk to people cause i'm shy and scared. i like to watch from a distant in the shadows. i'm shy nervios about what will happen to me if something harms me. life it scares me to the point where i drop off the face of the world to hide. my identity holds a strong rope but i i drop off the face of the earth hiding in the long summer day's just watching the world fall apart. my fear start and then my anxiety follows like my shadow on the pavment go'es every where i go. normal people scare me also dose people who do things that can cause death or serious injury. at night i have realized that i cant keep hiding when my shyness. hides my identity and lets me walk the shadow in society. im scared and i i have social problems. every thing scares me. trust i dont take so kindly. my shyness live's a life of its own. idk what will come to me but im reay to find the way out unscaved.. normal people scare me and im not ever going to be normal. is my shness scare you cause you just have to deal with it
i dont do well im scared shy and un like to trust people who i feel like a threat