it's 7:00am and your alarm sounds a classic default ring regardless of your musical options you remain conventional in this one
i glide my hand smoothly across your chest not only because i love your form but more so, i like to feel your breath it's calm, gentle, and steady rhythm something i long to have
you ease into my side nuzzling my shoulder quietly and without words you cross over stopping the alarm to a halt but you won't get up for another 15 you'll just grab my hand
i move to your hair softly i run my hands through it careful not to mess up a single wave rising and falling, never crashing i can never really remember what messy looks like
maybe its the way your put together or how god shaped your soul but when i look at you i see nothing but strength and poise
maybe you don't see it all the time maybe i wish i saw it less in spite but your so well rounded so well put i want to unwind you
i want to smack all your alarms i want to knock your wind out i want to mess up your waves but most of all