are the lines on your wrists still glowing into the faces of the children who will never understand? curious they wonder and know you are weak
when the lights turn off in your bedroom and the covers wrap themselves over your shoulders around your back you are safe, but lonely so you drift to sleep the lights turn on and the groans that come from your mouth are sickening you look sick you sleep soundly but the bags under your eyes get larger packed full of regrets and things you wish you had said truthfully, every walking animal that roams this rotten earth is timing their clocks till their remaining days a death that sneaks up on you without killing you but it will squeeze your lungs and slide it's claws through your heart soon enough your eyes are open your mind is awake and people still make you angry so much that a knife at the sides of your stomach will not fix it and when you try to pull your finger nails off just to stop biting them it isn't enough no pain can reach the immensity of hate the ghost of vengeance leads me out the gates of hell and my hidden horns slice the necks of the ones who never took the time to stop their clocks and listen nobody listens to the ocean waves coming from the shells in my hair or the cries coming from the breaking skin we call our own or the way the cars go by without stopping to take a look outside at the strangers walking through white snow, catching the bus just to get to a place they call home listen to the shards and angry scissors that clamp to the fingers of little boys and girls and the way we eat hear the chewing of meat from the pigs that screamed and the minds of the ones who stay quiet f a l l i n g
into a deep despair I hide under blanket after blanket concealing the light now I wait for the day to shut off