The law applies to all So when the mighty fall Just like the rest of us - y’all They hear the clarion call When asked - Oh yes indeed! They do regret their greed So no matter their misdeed For leniency they plead
And let’s keep it real Cuz they’re not made of steel They’d like to cut a deal Found guilty they’ll appeal And baby I’m not lyin’ By accident or design Without them even tryin’ They’re lookin’ at big time
When they’re cut down to size It makes you realize They fall quicker than they rise Right before our eyes Past actions sealed their fate But it’s no cause to celebrate Cuz they got crushed under the weight And they learned that lesson late
So you ask for the deductive? It should serve to be instructive Not at all counterproductive How greed can be seductive Although they celluloid it By all means just avoid it There’s no need to Sigmund Freud it Just because they once enjoyed it