christmas lights have a smell as does freedom, hatred, and ugliness of heart headaches have a smell, clarity has a smell home smells like new wood and sand, both growing up and childhood smell like smoke, fear smells like my sister's old bathroom sleep smells like my mom's perfume love is warm and smells like sleep anxiety smells like Pure Sport Old Spice deodorant, work smells like a gym, familiarity smells like the locker room when the trash hasn't been taken out, lost love smells like grass on the lakefront, nostalgia smells like a cappucino, comfort in isolation smells like the fur of a dog, purpose smells like a church, platitudes smell like mildew, tears smell like rotten wood but joy smells like that too, jubilation smells like a fire crackling, discomfort smells like that attic smell when the Halloween decorations are taken out, new beginnings as well as things we leave behind smell like airports and morning dew, risk smells like a hot tub, liberty smells like a public pool, a broken heart smells like the mountains, but a healed heart smells like them too.