One night in deep and earnest prayer, I asked God for a wish and he asked what it would be. I wished that God would help someone for me. I woke the next morning and stepped out of bed to find a hammer and nails laying by my shoes. I saw them and I was quiet confused. Then I heard a knock on my door. I went to see who it was. My neighbor came by and told a horrible tale, of how a tree limb had cause her roof to fail. I said let me see what I can do. I picked up the hammer and nails and put on my shoes. I went up and in no time at all, the roof was fixed. She thanked me and I went on my way. When night fell once again, I again began to pray, I asked God who did you help today. He replied to me that I helped you, with a hammer and nails, I saw that it was true. I gave you what you needed to be my hands and feet and together we helped someone in need. With this in mind I will remember to be careful when asking God for a wish.
When we are his hands and feet work gets done. He will give us the tool but we must put in the effort.