I took your hand and walked a sorry mile. I wore my feet to sheds of skin and bone. I held you gentle face within my grasp. I whispered to you tales of great sorrow. You held my hand and lead me through a forest. You gave me shoes and cloth to bind my feet. You smiled at my calloused skin against your face. You laughed and joked and sang you were so merry. I watched you like a flower spring to blossom. I watched you bloom in summers gentle sway. I watched when autumn came abounding. I watched you slowly start to whither away. But I could not watch the winter, who's grasp is icy cold. I could not watch you slowly die inside. I could not watch the wind blow your frail skin to dust. So I hid and didn't look like seeing made it true. When turning of the seasons brings life again anew. I went outside a looking. A looking for you. I think I saw you somewhere, a shadow in the wind. A part of every creature, plant who's life again begins.