Can we buy everything from money, Say me Say me , Tell me Tell me; Can we buy humans from money, Can we buy love from money, Can we buy mother's love from money, Can we buy relationship from money, Can we buy our precious life from money, Can we buy our emotions and feelings from money, Say me Say me , Tell me Tell me; Everything in world cannot be buy by money, Than Why humans are mad behind money, Than Why money rules the world, Than Why richest rules the poorer, Than Why humans LOVE MONEY but do not LOVE GOD, WHY Humans going closer towards million dollars and going away from GOD. RACE to earn money and forget our loved and beloved ONE'S. WHEN WILL THESE RACE TO EARN MONEY WILL COME'S TO END. Say me Say me , Tell me Tell me; WHO RULES THE WORLD MONEY OR STUBBORNESS.