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Nov 2015
i lay softly asleep with no fear. my dreams have the escape to bring hell and anger. my anger grows as i sufficate from what your pathetic lies you put on your show.  my lungs take in air an breath out dark smoke slowly leaving. i scream in my dreams from you posining me while i sleep. your ****** lies tea m life apart. all i can feel is strangleing you to shut the **** up u have traped me under my skin and i cant scream cause i will expole with pain. not even the most stronges pain killers could take the stuberness under my own skin

n o one can hear the screams cause if u do u wont know what will hit you off your feet
Vladimir s Krebs
Written by
Vladimir s Krebs  23/M/Bethel park Pennsylvania
(23/M/Bethel park Pennsylvania)   
   --- and Dead lover
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