Boys taught me if I wasn't beautiful Then I was nothing They abused my emotions Until I did whatever the hell it took To become whatever attractive was I've been told that I am now But I could never explain to you why They always mention my eyes?
Boys taught me if I wanted to get anywhere in life Then I needed to manipulate their desires So they'd fall into a trap And feel things that could never be fulfilled They trained me to walk and smile a certain way So I could get what I needed As they held it in their hands
Boys taught me that my body is the greatest feature I could ever offer Bottle up any emotions Because they'd rather not deal with mine Because feeling is scary And girls are supposed to be easy They'd make me dependent Without taking any responsibility for my mental well-being
Sure Girls are insane But wouldn't you be too If you had the weight of man's world Suffocating you?
Sure Girls are crazy But wouldn't you be too If your whole life you were taught that you wouldn't be hurt If you were beautiful But when you become beautiful It becomes their greatest form of abuse?