you fall in love so strongly with booksellers and baristas and the girl next door because as someone said we are creatures of habit, and the fact that you're able to see them more than once to refresh their own face on your memory
unconsciously blows your ******* heart up. you see all of these beautiful entities walking and breathing and dying and living, and you fall in love with all of them. but soon enough, maybe after three nights of seeing them blurry in your eyes, you forget their faces and what they were wearing. you forget how they laughed or smelled or talked about whatever. but not her.
you don't forget her with the short shoulder-length blonde hair, with the glasses and big smile. you don't forget how she said you looked cute and talked about vonnegut and charles bukowsky. but she probably forgot you.
it was a cafe so it was bound to smell like coffee, and i wasn't really reading i was listening to her breathing.