I am not on the short list and now I lust for what I've missed and boy am I really ****** off.
I see the colour if reality is red and like the rag to the bull I'd like to pull that list apart.
But my realism is pacifism I have foresworn the tearing of limbs and the breaking of heads, steadfast in this conviction I'd still like to **** them and that's a contradiction in terms.
Okay So they passed me by on the list, I don't know why, I should be the certainty for the first prize and universally applause would surely follow.
Well **** them tomorrow I'll go all inverted get me converted to a new type of.. ...can one of you borrow me a pen? I must have this in writing, Oh yes, Mother says biting my tongue and holding my breath is better the devil than scribing my own death certificate.
I bet the list is a fix, see who ***** who and who's in the mix, I picks my own friends, **** it