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Nov 2015
I don't know what's
Going on inside my head
It seems like I do okay
For a little while and then
I want to run away, leave
Everyone and everything
Behind and not say goodbye
Just disappear like the wind
Forever get lost in the end
I hurt the ones I love
Who have been loyal to me
I scream for an answer from above
But only get silience. I’ m like a
Little baby, so wrapped up in
Myself, I want what I want and
I'll pound the table with my spoon
And then I want nothing but to
Be left alone, to hide away, so
Many feelings pulsating through
My veins, it feels like I'm going insane
james arthur powell
Written by
james arthur powell  44/M/Dubois, Pa
(44/M/Dubois, Pa)   
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