The dog admired himself in a puddle "I have a glow like nothing ever before" Different colours are about my being He stirred the puddle with his paw for more.
He did not stop to realise why he had oil smeared around his claws on his paw He was so deep in thought about mystical science he had no idea about the luck of the draw.
"Too clever for my worth I deserve to be human They would cross my paw, sorry palm with money He was now a bit confused, his brain's not that big and he was back dreaming of milk and honey.
Or rather bones and a big chunky steak to satisfy his hungry tummy, he's such a size. To complicate matters, he is on a dried food diet which has come as a complete surprise.
It was an offer at the supermarket that won the deal "That is not food" -poking it with his paw in his dish He searched for gravy - there was none, dried up like the puddle Now he was searching for a wand to wave to get his wish. To complicate matters, there was not one.