Get your own sound Where you get it don’t matter Borrow it Change it Rearrange it Till they don’t recognize it Then it’s yours Think about it Live with it Become it Till you recognize it in a dream Then it’s you You found it one night But you didn’t write it down You were driving a car Long ago It all came together You didn’t trust yourself The information wasn’t enough It wasn’t whole It didn’t feel like Sunday afternoon enough You wanted it to be about peace But is that your sound? It may only be a moment A break from the past Or the concern What atmosphere did you suppress? You didn’t recognize it That’s why it was you You only can recognize someone else You aren’t CONFIDENT about new thoughts Nobody is You have to suffer through it Walk with strangers Sleep on concrete I saw a man do that the other day Everybody stepped over him And you have so much more But what do you hear? Stop reacting You have heard every word there is You have felt every emotion there is Put it all together There was a friend once The one you tell stories about Their genius was being different But they were too much for you You couldn’t live like that They were too loud You couldn’t hear yourself They were primitive Without any dignity Yet you remember Raw But then elegance and poise Elegance and poise Is that what made you stumble? Just words that strangle Sunday afternoon Is that your sound? Are you listening? It may be that you are not Mere existence Not knowing Not hearing Not you Not less More