no more eating V.C.D.s or licking saccharine from the acid trees no more belly tight with saline mead or a compass when you bleed-ache-bleed 'cause the time you buy you tell of is time well spent in a soft-head cell
no more draining of the bottle or shelling of the mortar
know that all you sense today is a bitter venom on its pulse-sent way and the space your habit needs is a tooth gap and a pulp-pink tease
and the soil of what's to be is deafening to me
no more scattered curiosities no more dosing til you sick-sweet-sneeze no more stilting on your knees no more eating V.C.D.s *
Note : Visual Cure by Distortion
Previously published [Show Thieves 2010 : An Anthology Of Contemporary Montreal Poetry - 8TH HOUSE PUBLISHING]